Inbound marketing is where you create content that attracts clients to you. But before you dive into this inbound process – ask yourself where you are in your business.
If you are not yet established, and have a very small brand presence then we recommend focusing on outbound marketing for the biggest, fastest returns. Outbound is where you do outreach, such as messaging prospects with your offer.
We’re not saying that inbound won’t bring you results, but it’s nothing like as fast as doing smart outreach.
Inbound is a slower process and you need to be consistent – I’m talking about posting 2-3 times a week, for a long period of time.
Inbound is for you if…
If this is you, then download our linkedIn Founder Guide below. If this is not you then read about outbound services instead.
The first step is to look at where you are, and create a plan for improving your social feeds, case studies – and adding a lead magnet. Typically the funnel will start as wide as you can, like posting organically on social – and move people through these stages:
Part of the audit will be to agree on your KPIs. If you are chasing clients then the quickest way will be through outbound – but the most sustainable long-term way will be through brand.
Building a strong brand isn’t instant – but it’s worth doing in the longer run.
No matter what area you’re in, you’ll still need different content pillars. This is because posting the same content all the time will be boring for your audience, and only tick off one of the things they need to feel about you.
For someone to buy your services they need to:
For instance, you could make every post about previous case studies, and that might impress people.
But, it’s not going to keep them coming back to read constant sales pitches – and it’s not going to make them warm to your personality.
Our first step is to come up with different content pillars to execute across your socials, website (blog) and extra marketing appearances – podcasts, youtube videos, conferences.
You can have great social content, but where are you sending them?
To a landing page that doesn’t really convert, or case studies that don’t really sell.
You need to be clear about:
You’re not posting on social media and expecting a wide audience to land on your pages – and buy.
Instead, you want to be realistic and understand that you are inserting yourself into a conversation about a problem that can be solved and positioning yourself as a ‘go-to’ authority to solve it.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that social media and content marketing is just another part of the sales process. It’s a softer, kinder avenue where people come to you – but you still want it to have the same approach as outbound.
Done well it can bring you leads, authority and help you make sales as soon as someone encounters your brand.
In an ideal world, your outbound marketing will get your offer in front of a lot of people – who will then check you out and be converted into buyers by your content, authority, brand and process.
You need both.
If you’re a key player in a business and would like to win more clients, do big sponsorship deals, or get more investment (even in a niche area) then get in touch.
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