Forty Bricks help C-suite executives attain your communication goals – from driving investment, inspiring internal teams, lowing recruitment costs and building your personal brand.
Unlike most consultancies, we combine marketing knowledge with a deep technical understanding of chemistry and life sciences, with posts written by Josh Brown (MSc).
Josh is an award winning MCHEM Chemistry graduate from the University of Liverpool.
Knowledgeable on all aspects of chemistry, his specialties lie in organic and medicinal chemistry.
Experienced on projects in materials chemistry, and creating new synthetic pathways to clavulanic acid – a precursor to Penicillin.
Professional career roles include working on R&D projects with GSK, Relay Therapeutics, Johnson & Johnson Amgen, Abbvie, Artios. The scope of these projects includes – project discovery, project management and project delivery.
Josh is equipped to write your thought leadership like nobody else.
While Forty Bricks is proud to specialise in the chemistry and life sciences niche, our team of writers also have experience in different markets, from architecture to cybersecurity, and fintech to educational YouTuber personalities. Browse through our previous projects.
Our posts built up their CTO’s brand, gaining him more visibility for prospects, and driving both channel growth and a huge boost in organic impressions.
One of the overlooked parts of social media brand building is ‘post more’. It sounds easy, but it’s surprisingly difficult to continue delivering high quality content that compounds over time. When we did it for a digital startup their engagement reached record heights.